Well, since Henry was born in June, I have had very little time for baking and decorating. I've been able to do a few small things, but nothing too impressive.
For Henry's Baptism, I was determined to make the cake, and I wanted to make cookies too. I saw an adorable Dove design by Bridget at
Bake at 350. She is an amazing decorator, and have some wonderful designs (and book that I hope I get for Christmas... wink, wink).
The cookies are a wonderful
chocolate recipe, and it's such a simple design I was able to do them after the baby went to bed one night.
Poor lighting... they are white, not the gray/blue they look here. |
For the cake, I wanted to do something fall-ish, since I won't get many chances to do another cake this fall. Really, other than the wording, nothing specifically makes this a Baptism cake.
The flavor is Pumpkin Spice, with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Icing. I decorated it with gum paste leaves, and got to use some of the techniques I learned in my decorating class last year.
Overall, I am very happy with it. I can't wait, as Henry grows, to not only have more opportunities to bake, but time as well!